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Unit 1 School Lesson 4 教案设计

时间:2016-07-07 11:30点击:


1 Make the students master the words. 
2 Make the students to expressions of the sentences. 
3Make the students come into being the good pronunciation and tone. 
4 Improve the students’ communication competence.


1 Make the students master the words. 
2 Make the students to expressions of the sentences.


Teacher Tape, cards, stationery, computer
 Students English book


1 Review 
复习Show me.... 句型。在复习的基础上学习新词backpack, pencil case。
2从复习Show me.... 句子导入新句子Open .... Take out .... 为了帮助学生理解、记忆新语句,教师可运用TPR活动。
T: Show me your backpack. 
(T takes out of a backpack) 
Listen to the tape. 
Listen to the teacher. 
T: Show me your backpack. 
T: Open your backpack.( T : acting) Ss: Follow the teacher. 
T: Take out of your pencil case. (T: show a pencil case) 
Learn the words. Ss: Take out of the pencil case. 
T: Open it. (T: acting) Ss:Follow the teacher. 
T: Show your ruler \ pencil \eraser. Ss: do action. 
Listen to the tape and do action. 
2 Let’ s talk
T:(Show the picture of “Bill”) I’m
Bill. I want to make a new friend. 
T: Hi, I’m Bill. What’s your name? 
S: I’m … 
Another group. 
Listen to the tape. 
Follow the tape. 


1 Listen and do. 
2 Practice the dialog.
Note:开展课堂游戏活动。说B项歌谣做问答游戏。游戏方法可以是:一位学生站起来,与大家一起拍手,说:Name, name! 该学生走到另外一位学生面前说:My name is Li Bing.What's your name?这位学生站起来回答,然后重复第一位学生的动作。